Nutrient recovery from wastewater in Rotterdam

Nutrient recovery from wastewater in Rotterdam

RINEW – Rotterdam Innovative Nutrients, Energy and Watermanagement


In the city port area of Rotterdam, Evides Waterbedrijf cooperates with the municipality of Rotterdam, water board Hollandse Delta and Hoogheemraadschap van Delfland to close the wastewater cycle by recovery of nutrients and energy. This is RINEW, Rotterdam Innovative Nutrients, Energy and Watermanagement.


With a fine sieve coarse particles are filtered from the wastewater. Next, the wastewater is led through a ceramic nano filter in which phosphorus ends up in the concentrate stream. Phosphorus can then be recovered with a pellet reactor. The aim is to use the recovered phosphorus in agriculture after treatment.


Research has started with individual treatment steps. At the moment possibilities are explored to transfer the research to the city port area of Rotterdam. The goal is to explicitly incorporate the ‘user’ aspects of water and resources in the concept development. By adapting to the users’ needs, the amount of possible applications is enlarged


Circa €500.000


RINEW – papiervezels terugwinnen uit afvalwater
Ontlasting als bron van energie
Afvalwater is een ware goudmijn

Evides Industriewater
Schaardijk 150
3036 NH Rotterdam

T +32 10 293 5000 | | @Evideswaterbedr
